Sunday, January 15, 2012

Now Hollywood Is Jumping the 'Good Ship Obamalollipop' (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | Remember the good old days when enchanted fans would scream Barack Obama's name and faint in the very rapture of his presence? Remember when Hollywood stars would trip over each other to be near him and tried to out-do each other in praising his holy name?

With the evidence of his dismal poll numbers he already knows -- as reported by Salon in June 2011 -- that among his everyday fans across America "it's not as cool to be an Obama supporter as it was in 2008, with the posters and all of that stuff." But, after three years of failing to keep the promises he made in exchange for their support, his more high-profile and influential fans in Hollywood are starting to bail on him too.

Back in 2009, Harry Belafonte bought into Obama's promises and the "yes we can" rhetoric. But -- after three years of "no I can't" reality -- an expose by Radio Equalizer reveals that not only does the Calypso man think Obama failed to tally those "hope and change" bananas he is convinced that the president lacks a "moral compass" and doesn't deserve a second term.

In 2009, a CNN report quoted Angelina Jolie saying that while she wanted to believe that "President Obama and his special envoy Scott Gration will do their best" to help the Sudanese people and bring peace to the region, his track record for keeping his promises gave her cause to doubt his word.

On Tuesday, the Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nation's High Commission told the Daily Caller that she was "disappointed" in the way Obama throws around foreign aid money with no apparent thought to using it effectively.

"When the administration says it intends to work to 'improve the lives of the people of Darfur,' " Jolie explained, "I would like to know what that means -- besides the obvious point that their lives could hardly get worse."

But it isn't like Obama's apathy about the plight of people suffering is exclusive to those living in other countries. He told American's languishing under the crushing effects of his disastrous economic policies right here at home the same thing in 2010.

George Clooney use to be a major Obama BFF, contacting the president several times a week by phone, text and email to give him body language, presentation and policy advice. Now Clooney just makes fun of Obama for his "class warfare" agenda against people like him who "make more than $1 million a year" as reported by the New York Post in September.

Back in July 2008, the Irish Times reported Robert Redford predicting that, if Barack Obama didn't win the presidency, "you can kiss the Democratic Party goodbye."

In September 2011 Redford wrote an op-ed for the Huffington Post essentially telling Obama to kiss his backside for his broken promises to protect the environment.

"What good is it to say the right thing unless you act on it?" Redford wrote.

In 2007 Oprah Winfrey used her juggernaut status as the most powerful woman in Hollywood to publicly endorse Obama. After that endorsement trashed her career it comes as no surprise that she refuses to back him for his 2012 re-election effort.

As reported by NBC, a lot of A-Listers are jumping the Good Ship Obamalollipop; Matt Damon, Barbara Streisand, Jane Lynch, Hugh Heffner, Spike Lee, Bill Maher, and Rose McGowen to name a few.

Even Michael Moore, who threw his sizable weight behind Obama's 2008 presidential campaign through his website, is now convinced that rather than being "a chance for redemption" Obama is nothing more than a Wall Street puppet scam artist.

In December the U.K. Independent confirmed the end of the Obama-Hollywood romance saying that the "warm, fuzzy optimism that characterized his last election" along with the "five-figure" donation checks have "more or less vanished."

Norman Lear - the powerful Hollywood king-pin who founded People for the American Way to "speak out for Bill of Rights guarantees and to monitor violations of constitutional freedoms" -- "gave just over ?21,000" ($26,932.50 U.S.) to Obama in 2008.

For his 2012 re-election effort - because Obama can't square "the policies he has pursued in office with his 2008 rhetoric" -- the head of what the Independent described as "perhaps the most influential advocacy organization" in the United States "will not give a cent this time."

"Unrequited love does not die," wrote Elle Newark in The Book of Unholy Mischief. "It's only beaten down to a secret place where it hides, curled and wounded."

Still, even in the land of make-believe, not all of Hollywood's stars are numbered among the "unfortunates" who have turned "bitter and mean" over Obama's unreciprocated devotion. Some knew all along that it was a sham.

"I've always said that the next Obama slogan should be, 'Barack Obama: Putting America out of Business,' James Woods told New York Magazine back in October 2010, "because that's what he's doing."

Then again, Woods is a Republican so it should come as no surprise that he already knew what it has taken the majority of his Democratic tinsel town counterparts three years to figure out.


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